Siobhan Davies is a renowned British choreographer who rose to prominence in the 1970s. Davies was a founding member of London Contemporary Dance Theatre and in 1982 joined forces with Richard Alston and Ian Spink to create independent dance company Second Stride. Founding Siobhan Davies Dance in 1988, she works closely with collaborating artists to ensure that their own artistic enquiry is part of the creative process. By 2002 she moved away from the traditional theatre circuit and started making work for gallery spaces.
Davies applies choreography across a wide range of creative disciplines including visual arts and film. Recent choreographic works have been presented at some of the most prestigious art institutions in the UK and Europe, including Lenbach-haus (Munich), Whitechapel Gallery and Barbican Gallery (London) and Turner Contemporary (Margate). In 2016 she became Associate Professor at the Centre for Dance Research (CDaRE) at Coventry University.
Read about Transparent here.
Read about In Conversation with Siobhan Davies here.